October 4, 2013


     Hi everyone! I haven't posted anything in a while, but I notice many of you still come and check the blog for new posts. I must explain my silence which has a lot to do with living a more simple life.
     For several months now, I have been thinking in going back to school to further my education. After a lot of research and prayer, I finally decided to just go for it. For the past 7 weeks I have been quite busier working on an English class. I am having to learn to include school work in my busy schedule, which is very important at this moment. Therefore, I need to lay aside for a while some of my other projects. My plan is to restart posting in January or earlier once I figure out how to go to school and continue to have a somewhat sane life. Ha!
     Saying no or not yet are important things when trying to live more simple. The world is constantly fighting for our attention. We need to be in control of our time and resources, and sometimes we just have to stop for a while. Super packed schedules are not healthy for us in many levels. Keep it simple!

July 26, 2013

The E word

The much dreaded E word. We all know we need it, but we would all like to avoid it. There are hundreds of studies that show it is of tremendous benefit to us, but we would like to run away from it as much as possible. And if we can run away from it while sitting on the couch, munching on chips, or in my case, chocolate, the better! I’m talking about...(key in the violins playing several high notes for suspense)... exercise! There, I said it! Nooooooooo!! Not exercise!

I would venture to say that the majority of people in the world do not exercise. Maybe they would like to exercise, but most of us just don’t do it and have no motivation to do it.  And even those who do exercise, don’t seem to be enjoying themselves that much. Who’s ever seen someone jogging or bicycling by the side of the road with a big smile on their faces? Most of those people just look plain miserable! Sweat coming down their faces, the muscles of their bodies all contorted in agony. Who wants to join in that?

Well, actually...me! Me! Pick me! The benefits of exercise are too incredible to pass on. Don't be deceived by the look
of the person exercising. That apparent misery is what determination looks like. And exercise can be enjoyable and fun. Ok, maybe not at first, but as you notice the effects it is having in your life, I believe you’ll want to keep doing it! Let me share with you some of the benefits of exercise. Are you ready? This is pretty cool. Here we go:

- Lower risk of early death. Pretty  cool, don’t you think? Who wants to die early?
- Lower risk of heart disease. Heart disease can be a prison!
- Lower risk of diabetes. Talk about prison!
- Lower risk of certain cancers including breast and colon cancers.
- Prevention of weight gain. I personally like this one quite a bit!
- Reduced depression, which is becoming very prevalent in our society, especially among women.  
- Improved sleep. I used to think I needed to sleep better in order to feel like exercising, but I’m learning that exercise makes me sleep better, which is great in Alaska where the sun in the summer keeps shining pretty much all day long. 

These are just some of the benefits listed on the new book I bought, which by the way is called Celebrations: Living Life to the Fullest. I would like to add better mood, a clearer mind, and increase level of energy to that list. People who exercise may not be laughing while doing it, but have a better mood and outlook in life overall. Exercise also acts like insulin. People who have diabetes and who go for a brisk walk right after a meal, have improved blood sugar levels possibly reducing the need for medication. Exercise is a powerful healing tool in the hands of those who have certain medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, depression, and obesity. 

Isn’t this awesome? Don’t you think the benefits of exercise are just too good to pass? Who doesn’t want to live a healthy and abundant life? Most of us do, so let’s work on it! The best form of exercise is walking, which is something
most of us can do. So grab your shoes and head outside to
explore your neighborhood, or city parks, or the mall, or any other place where you can walk. When my son was younger, I used to walk around our house after putting him in bed for the night! If you can get someone to join you in the fun great, but if not, use that time to listen to some good music, or audio books. You could use that time to meditate or think of ways to solve the world’s problems! You could even call a friend and work on your social relationships. The time used in exercising can be great to work on your mental health too.

Yesterday, as I was reading about exercise on my new book, I decided that I needed to head outside and put into practice what I was reading. I got on my bike and rode around exploring the area, checking out new neighborhoods, and admiring the big mountains that
surround this part of the country. The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. It was a good time to think about things that have been on my mind and to process my thoughts.
This morning, while everyone was asleep, I put on my shoes and went for a 15 minute walk. It rained last night so everything is so fresh and green. Clouds were peacefully resting on top of the mountains. What a wonderful way to begin my day.

Before starting a new exercise program, and especially if you have health issues, check with your doctor just to make sure you get a good start, but do start. A healthy life is totally worth it! We'll talk more about exercise soon!

(1) http://confessionsofatowngirl.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/scared.jpg
(2) http://www.divavillage.com/images/Oct05/adventure_1008.jpg
(3) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg2hdiuwkT1WRpgMi0_Gjk4cPIfBl4GwiY0ibaw1iJvAsKVsdV3_13yRqiOMdstm9EODfs61d2On9nKX42CiEdItg0CUH_Zlyxccxq0ksLNfFx-pMsh88wD4QGa8CPW42rJ5PSogCQ3WxM/s400/Elderly+Man+Jogging.jpg
(4) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh9GjTx5gB2_-GbSaytZMm0LZOu1uKhyKK56a-VUtxB8chCgcw3y5Neei2uM41H2ha6mzSPIhdBOkV8m2wscmHcumRkhh-XuXbIYIDVWCyq-XOae8tjyPN1h6buqZ0denC4NfHo4orxYhlk/s640/_MG_6193.jpg

July 23, 2013

Down and up again!

Have you ever got something stuck in your mind that wasn’t that healthy, but you couldn’t think about anything else? Like chocolate between meals for example? And between
meals I’m meaning, all day long! Once in a while, specially if I’m feeling stressed or bored, I start thinking about chocolate. And then there’s this internal struggle for a long time that only goes away when I finally make up my mind not to give in to temptation, or until I satisfy that unhealthy craving and munch on chocolate throughout the day. And then, of course, feel guilty about it.

Well, that happened to me today. In fact, for the past 2 days something sweet has been on my mind a lot! I’ve been good enough to just eat some pieces of chocolate at meal time, but today I was ready to get home and eat all the chocolate I had at one sitting and didn’t even think if it was meal time or not. Chocolate, here I come!!

On my way home I stopped at a book store. While browsing the books I came across the health section. Health will always interest me and as I checked the cookbooks and  books on healthy lifestyle, I decided to purchase one called Celebrations. I don’t know much about the book, but it’s filled with colorful pictures and the idea behind it seemed very interesting, so I bought it. I sat down to read just a little bit and right away got motivated to take better care of myself. I went home and drank a big glass of water instead of eating chocolate like I had been planing. All of a sudden, in fact, I didn’t feel like chocolate anymore. :)

You know, the path for healthy living is not always upwards. It is, in fact, made of ups and downs. And you know what? That’s ok! That’s how we learn and grow. There’s a  phrase
in the Bible that says something like this: “God who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” You can find it in Philippians 1:6. I think it describes very well what I’m trying to say. We start on this path and we will overcome in the end, but it’s a process.

So! If you, like me, are trying to live a better life, don’t be discouraged if you feel tempted to backslide, to forget everything and go back to your old lifestyle. Don’t feel discouraged even if you do backslide! Just pick up where you are and move on. Sometimes we need a little re-motivating. For me it was seeing the beautiful pictures of my new book, but it could be reading this blog, talking with a friend about your struggles, seeing that number on the scale or even an illness. 

Whatever it is, do not give up! Just because we fail a few times, it doesn't mean we fail for good! The ultimate goal is a better life and I know we will achieve the goal! 

So there! I'm up again!

1 - http://www.geekosystem.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/chocolate.png
2 - http://javatoolbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/roller-coaster.jpg

July 2, 2013

The amazing collard green!

After a much needed rain last night, I went to check on the garden this morning and was amazed at how quickly things can grow when they're watered by the clouds vs when they are watered by me! It's as if the plants decided to double their size overnight. Well, when I noticed the big collard greens I decided soup was on the menu today!

After enjoying a nice big bowl of a traditional Portuguese soup called Caldo Verde, with a little personal touch, I decided to check on the nutritional properties of these green veggies and I'm impressed. Collard greens are quite the food! They are among the richest in nutritive elements, filled with vitamin C, potassium, fiber, calcium, and folate. It's a power food! Now I wish I had planted more in the garden!

I thought in sharing with you this recipe that is so simple and so delicious! Now just so you know, I like to use my creativity in the kitchen, more than I like to follow a recipe. This version doesn't have any sausage and I didn't add any olive oil because I think it takes away from the wonderful flavors of the soup as is. So here it is, Caldo Verde a la Moi for 2 people.

2 potatoes
3 cloves of garlic.
Bunch of collard greens cut in Julienne (thin strips)

Boil the water and salt. Add the potatoes and garlic and cook until very tender. Puree all with a hand blender and return to the stove. Add the collard greens and cook until they are done, being careful to stir the soup once in a while. 

And voila! Caldo Verde a la Moi. Very, very good, and packed with rich nutrition.

We added alphabet letters to make it a little more fun (kid friendly), and ate the soup while saying the name of birds with each letter we found.


For a complete report on the nutritional value of collard greens you can check here. 

June 17, 2013

Growing a garden

One of the things that gives me much joy is gardening. I remember living in a high building overlooking the city, and growing all kinds of indoor plants on the bay window. I've taken care of plants for as long as I can remember. I think I got it from my grandma who always had all kinds of plants growing inside her home. About 9 years ago I was able to plant a garden for the first time. I had so, so much fun growing tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, corn, watermelon, and all kinds of other veggies.  There is no food like the one you get to grow yourself. It tastes so good.

This year I'm doing a garden again. My husband built some garden boxes and I've been enjoying planting seeds and seeing the little plants grow. Since this is a blog about healthy living, I thought why not share some pictures of the little plants I'll be eating in a few weeks? Can't wait!

Collard Greens - I'll post a recipe for a great Portuguese soup using these later. 

Summer squash!

Carrots! Just started thinning these yesterday. Will see how it works as this is my first time growing carrots.

Peas!! I need to build a trellis so they can grow up tall and straight. 

Brussels Sprouts! Can't wait to eat them with a bunch of garlic and a little of EVOO - extra virgin olive oil.

Didn't have much luck growing tomatoes here in Alaska last year, but since it's been so hot, I hope it will be different this time. Tomatoes ripe off the vine are soooo good!

Broccoli! Grew them for the first time last year and I was blown away by how wonderfully tasty broccoli is!

June 13, 2013

All about the sleep!

Living healthy doesn't have to just do with food. Living healthy has to do with many things. It's a whole package that together creates abundant life. One of those things is rest. Rest is so important as I got reminded of recently.

Well, after spending about 5 summers in Alaska, my body has finally let me know that it doesn't like certain spring items. I guess I have seasonal allergies which is something fairly new to me. At first I thought I was coming down with a cold, but after almost 4 weeks with this "cold", I finally decided to see a doctor. Actually, what truly made me go see the doctor was the fact that I was so tired I noticed I wasn't as alert while driving. Not being able to breathe well makes sleeping difficult, and after so many nights of just a few hours of sleep or interrupted sleep, it finally caught up to me.

Lack of sleep can have several effects in our life. It doesn't just affect our driving, although that's pretty bad. Lack of sleep affects our mood, we can get more irritable, more impatient. We get more forgetful and less productive. Energy level goes way down. I was listening a doctor say how lack of sleep is even a risk factor for diabetes.

This time my lack of sleep was caused by a health issue, but how many times do we get few hours of sleep at night because of choices we make? It may be because we stay up late cleaning the house, or watching TV, or checking the facebook statuses of our friends. Or could be because we get lost on pinterest or checking all the info on new software or new apps.

Good sleep keeps our memory sharp, it helps us live longer, improves blood pressure and promotes cardiac health. Sleep helps us focus better, be more creative, and perform better at work or school. A good night of sleep can even help with weight loss.(2) There are way too many benefits of sleeping to not get serious about it.

So I came home from the doctor with a new medication and a plan to avoid allergies next spring. I'm also going to turn the computer off, take in some evening fresh air, read a calming book and spend some one-on-one time with God. A good night of sleep awaits me...

(1) http://www.fyiliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/allergyfyi-400x265.jpg
(2) http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20459221,00.html
(3) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3Gr4p6eiNVoJ5ES2MOQzb1aN8iEH3pIDsiSwYdd6pC-l7_Bfrb-dqrHZzrLttr70dDQbmOmCllvZDjjWxJFxeg4cE3tg12CSXafDgEg9rPUSRd4tTmWU4xdpz-8Phdo1NJxyzFmU4MxE/s1600/photo_baby_sleepng.jpg

June 8, 2013

30 ingredients!

Earlier this week my son and I went grocery shopping. As we were getting things inside the cart, he suggested we buy these small sweet rolls that we used to buy a while back. Since we hadn't had them in a while I thought, why not? So we came home with a small package of sweet rolls.

While tasting one, I noticed the flavor wasn't as good as I remember. They didn't taste bad and were well within the best by date, but we hadn't had them in a while plus we have been eating a lot healthier, so my only explanation is that my taste buds have changed! They are learning to enjoy the natural and simple ingredients more than the packaged foods we can buy at the supermarket.

My son, ever so curious about labels, started reading the list of ingredients. Flour, yeast, water, sugar, eggs, and then a list of names I suspect one needs a degree in chemistry to be able to pronounce them correctly. After he finished reading I glanced at the list of ingredients. Thinking about our homemade bread, I asked my son how many ingredients it takes to make bread at home. The most simple bread we make requires 4 ingredients: flour, yeast, salt, and water. Sometimes we like to add applesauce, wheat germ, seeds, or honey. So most breads have between 4-8 ingredients. I started counting the ingredients listed on the package for sweet rolls and finished at 30! 30 ingredients to make small sweet rolls. 30!!! And most of those ingredients I don't recognize as food! 
I had a hard time finishing the little bread on my plate and I have a feeling those won't be making their way onto the shopping cart any time soon!

Living more simple and healthier means also paying attention to the list of ingredients and making sure we are not putting inside our bodies things that are really not food. I searched some of the names on the ingredients listed and was sad to think that I've been putting inside my body synthetic wax and chemicals that are used in the production of fertilizers, plastic, pesticides, construction materials and so forth.

So, hopefully, lesson learned. I'm going to get me a recipe for sweet rolls with fewer ingredients and will use my freezer as preservative!

And since I'm talking about bread, I thought I would share the recipe for one of our favorite homemade breads. I do have a kitchenaid mixer, so I just add all the ingredients in there and let it mix it all for me. If you have to mix by hand just mix all the other ingredients and add the flour in the end. Enjoy!

4 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour ( you can substitute 1 cup of bread flour if you want a more fluffy bread.)
1/2 cup wheat germ
1 TBS yeast
2 cups of warm water
5-6 TBS apple sauce
1 tsp salt

Mix the yeast with one cup of warm water and let it stand for about 10 minutes. Then mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Add a little more water if you think the dough is dry. Place the dough in a loaf pan and let it rise for about one hour. Bake at 400F for 35 minutes.


(1) http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/etiamos/etiamos1205/etiamos120500121/13634289-blackboard-with-chemical-formulas--vector-illustration.jpg

June 2, 2013

Strawberries and other fruit for that matter!

When I graduated from 9th grade, my parents gave me a big cook book of international cuisine. The index was illustrated and I remember spending hours looking at all the pictures curious what those recipes would taste like. I would pick some to try and had lots of fun creating foods from all over the world. I remember looking at the dessert section for long periods of time. I tried several of those recipes: cakes, ice creams, pies, pastries, breads, you name it. But I remember having a hard time making desserts that required strawberries.
They were probably the ones what I wanted to try the most, but every time I bought strawberries, I ended up just eating them without using them in the recipe. 

Yesterday I was preparing strawberries for a fruit salad when I remembered my recipe book and me never trying one of those strawberries' recipes. I thought it was interesting that I just ate the strawberries instead of using them in cakes or ice creams. Thinking back, it was probably best that I had done it this way. Eating the strawberries plain, I could enjoy their natural flavor more than if I had hidden that wonderful taste behind all the sugar, butter, and milk that most recipes use.

And you know, natural is always better. And easier! I had to wash them anyway. By just eating them plain, I didn't have to go through the extra work of adding all the other ingredients and could enjoy all the wonderful nutrients without adding any sugar or fat. 

This is making me even more motivated to eat more simple foods in their natural state. Fruit is nature's natural dessert plus it's filled with vitamins and antioxidants that are so important to our health. 

I'd like to encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful resource of health that is so easily available to us. Make a big fruit salad and eat that for your supper, eat a piece or two of fruit with your breakfast or as dessert after lunch, add it to fruit smoothies. Indulge yourself in fruit in its most pure form. If you can get organic great, but if not that's ok too. Just make sure you don't add any extras that will make your beautiful fruit unhealthy. Indulge in its most pure form: natural and fresh. Can't get any simpler than that!

May 16, 2013

Puzzle Pieces

I was talking with a friend this morning about how frustrating it is to be able to get motivated to live healthier. We make our resolutions, but they just never come to be. Just think about all the  resolutions we make at the beginning of the year. We are already in May. How many of your New Year resolutions have you accomplished or are still working on? Most of us gave up on them the first week of January! So my friend was frustrated because everyday she decides to walk for one hour, but is never able to do it. I asked her if she could do 15 minutes. "That I could do" was her answer. So I encouraged her to get just 15 minutes of walking a few times a week. 15 minutes is better than one hour that never happens!

I was just reading how we need to take small steps if we want to succeed when changing our lifestyle. I believe it's true and  that's exactly what I've been doing. It wasn't what I wanted to do at first, but life has made me slow down and focus on the little puzzle pieces instead of the big final picture like I was doing. This has helped bring down my level of stress and frustration. I have an idea of what the big picture looks like, and I love it, it's beautiful! Can't wait to get there. But to get there I'll have to put together the puzzle, one small piece at a time, and that's going to take some work and patience!

For me, one of my small steps has been the choice to avoid processed foods. It may take a little bit more work, but I prefer to prepare the foods myself. In my pantry shelves, for the most part, there are no ingredients with names I can't pronounce, so those are the ones I prefer to use. 

 Another small step I've taken is to stretch when I wake up.
Usually I just get up and go, but now I'm taking the time to stretch and get my muscles ready for the morning. Two days ago I started doing crunches after stretching. I just lay down on the floor, do 100 crunches, stretch at the end and off I go.

These are small steps I've been taking and you know, I can see things changing already. 2 lbs of me have disappeared and my mind is so much more clearer. Plus, I think I'm smiling more. It has to be because I feel better. All I know is that this motivates me to continue a little farther on this road to a better life.

What small step can you take to improve your life? What about eating breakfast, or organizing better your work space? Could be going outside everyday to breathe deeply the fresh morning or evening air. What about walking for just 15 minutes 2-3 times per week? It could be stretching in the morning or deciding to have dinner together as a family most nights of the week. Just anything that will help you have a more simple and healthier life. The big picture of the puzzle is not only about eating or exercising. It's about all the aspects of your life, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. All those puzzle pieces put together will create a most beautiful picture because it will the picture of abundant life.

My next small step will be sleeping better. And on that note, I'm off to bed. 


(1) http://www.listofimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/stretching-cat-animal.jpg
(2) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh4Pc0OxIVGu5A-QQZ0gDCNuubNt87K_y-FvHrRRIrsGmG-KctaAvWJx-rZSyQARX3ahjzUEVei1Pzg_gq_4J1TGXCzdfZeMqdjgAi8guTMjviaVRY4LE7rR2xpINX_hTKWKpdN-av_1nE/s400/puzzle+pieces.jpg

May 9, 2013

Paying back $2.7 trillion!

There's no doubt that the world has changed a lot over the past 50 or 60 years. Things today are not the way they were back then.  This week I've been learning about two things that have changed dramatically in the US over the past several years: finances and food; and I must admit, I'm blown away by the numbers. 

Did you know that in 1929 only 2% of American homes had a mortgage? By 1962 only 2% did not have a mortgage! In 1980 there were about 500,000 bankruptcies. That number changed to 1,500,000 in 2002! In 1980 consumer debt was at $1.3 trillion. (1) Today that number is over $2.7 trillion!! (2) 

This is crazy! How awful to see that when it comes to finances, we probably changed for the worse! Sure it's easy to get a home, a car, pay for college, but it can come at a terrible cost: debt. And debt is like a prison. A financial prison.

But finances is not the only thing that has seen a drastic change. According to researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, this is how some food has changed over the past 20 years: "Hamburgers have expanded by 23 percent; A plate of Mexican food is 27 percent bigger; Soft drinks have increased in size by 52 percent; Snacks, whether they be potato chips, pretzels or crackers, are 60 percent larger." (3) 

A study by Penn State University's College of Health and Human Development discovered that the more food is put in front of people, the more we eat! (3) Hmmmm... makes you think, doesn't it?

Do you think these changes came with negative results? What about the rate of suicide caused by financial stress or the high percentage of marriages that end in divorce because of financial problems in the family? And what about the high rise in heart disease, diabetes, and stroke that so often result in poor quality of life and families being deprived way too soon from the company of their loved ones?

I don't really know why things have taken the direction they have. Maybe in the end it's a financial issue since there are a lot of people getting rich at the expense of the ones who keep borrowing and the ones who keep eating big food. It could also be because we've gone from a society that cared for each other to a society that cares only for "I". I don't know. What I know is this: it's time for a makeover!

It's time to go back to the basics. It's time to go back to living a simpler, healthier, and more abundant life. It's time to pay back the $2.7 trillion and gain back our freedom! Freedom from the financial prison, freedom from bigger waists and poor health. 

But how do we do that? Looking at the big number can be daunting. Consumer debt is off the charts. We step on the scale only to find out we have graduated to overweight or obese. How do we gain our freedom back? Well, just like we didn't gain the weight and poor health over night, we won't regain our freedom overnight either. It takes small, but extremely important, steps. Just like with finances you need to know where your money is going, so with health you need to know what is contributing to the weight gain and disease. You need a budget!

You could stop drinking soda when going out to eat. Water is cheaper and lets you enjoy your meal more. Play more with your children, walk your dog, don't have dessert every single day, strive to eat a salad daily, increase your amount of fruit intake, consume more fiber, cut down or eliminate caffeine, go to sleep early, read a good book instead of just watching TV. Those are all small changes that will pay big dividends.We may not have control over how much the total consumer debt is, but we can control our own spending. And we can't control how big the food offered is, but we can control how much of it we put in our mouth.

And just like taking control of your finances will help you slowly but surely leave the debt prison, by taking control of your health you will leave behind a life of disease, depression, and poor quality of life. Let's do this! Let's take control of our lives. Let's pay back the $2.7 trillion! We can do it! Let's start today!


(1) Financial Peace Revisited, Dave Ramsey
(2) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/07/us-consumer-debt-record_n_2260457.html
(3) http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=129685&page=1#.UYs0RoL187A
(4) http://www.genengnews.com/media/images/AnalysisAndInsight/Feb14_2012_13473732_DollarsIncreasing_BudgetFY13FDACDC_II1072658836.jpg
(5) http://www.ergo-plus.com/healthandsafetyblog/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/portion-distortion-visual.jpg 
(6) http://weightloss.mashangel.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/quick_healthy_weight_loss_tips.png


May 7, 2013

The hike

My family and I love hiking and exploring nature. There are always new things to see, new things to learn and discover. One of the trails we like to explore goes down to a valley and in the bottom there's a small creek. Well, we'd seen in the map that there's a creek, but hadn't seen the creek yet. The reason why is that it's a long trail, downhill, and most of the times we think that we've gone far enough and turn around and go back. We get tired or bored or unmotivated. We do have to go back up, so we just turn around. Sometimes we take a small loop that takes us back to the trail. Many times we look farther down and wonder what's behind the next curve, or what's past that big tree, or how close we are to the creek, but never take the time and effort to make it all the way down.

Deciding to live a healthier and simple life is like hiking that trail. We have a goal and know that it will be a good thing in the end, but it takes too much effort and we easily turn around and go back. We wonder what's on the other side of the curve, and what's past this one small change, but never make it all the way. We get too tired, too unmotivated, too pressed for time, or simply think it's not worth all the effort. Maybe we'll take this little loop so we can feel a little better about it, but in the end we just go back to the same place and to the same old habits. Nothing new, nothing better.

This past week, my husband and our son went down the trail. I was tired and stayed home. They had lots of fun exploring, following moose and fox tracks, and going around the little loop. But then they wondered, once again, what was past that next curve and decided to continue down. They kept hiking for a while knowing that at 5 p.m. they would turn around and go back. A little further down they noticed the ground leveled out. A few more steps the trail stopped and went either right or left. They had reached the end of the trail and sure enough, just a little further they saw it: the creek! It was 4:59 p.m. My son let out big chants of victory shouting loud "We did it!! We did it!!" It was so exciting! After hiking that trail so many times, they had finally reached their goal. How cool was that?! They explored the creek for a bit before returning home.

Living a better life truly comes down to our choices. I listened to a lady on the radio yesterday saying that at 400 lbs she had had enough! She was on blood pressure medications, cholesterol medications, and thought that she probably had diabetes. But it was time to change and she shared on the radio her plan to live a better life. In the end it will be so worth it! It takes work, patience, and perseverance, but done well you can even enjoy the hike there exploring and learning new things about the world we live in and about the person you are. Sometimes learning about others too or maybe even following their tracks for a while. When you get there, you'll be so excited I know you'll be shouting big chants of victory! The creek will be beautiful! 

That day I was too tired to join in on the hike, but seeing how excited they were for reaching their goal, I can't wait to go down myself so I can also sing victory! Surround yourself with people who will motivate you in your goal for a better life, people who have been there and who can tell you how worth it it is. It may be someone you know, but even online support can be great!

Unlike our trail, you won't have to go back. No going back to the old life and old habits. You can stay and explore the creek for a while and then turn either right or left, walking a new trail, making new decisions, improving your life even more. After all, God promised abundant life. I believe that's never staying where we are for a long time, but always walking towards more and better.  

Start on the trail for a better life today and go all the way!

May 2, 2013

Get this out of here!

Have you noticed how so much of the food we purchase at the store is not food at all? Sometimes I look at the ingredients and have no idea what they are. What am I putting in my mouth? And what will those "foods" do to my body and my mind? I wonder if many of the diseases we have are caused by all the chemicals we consume for our nutrition. 

When we lived in New Mexico we had an ant hill in our backyard, so I thought it would be good to study the ants with my son. There are lots of great lessons to be learned from the ants, and one has to do with food. We used to break tiny pieces of my homemade bread and put it around their nest. It was cool to see them grab those small pieces and carry them to their home. One day we used store brand bread that we had been purchasing. It was 100% whole wheat, so it should be healthier, right? I had never read the ingredients and at the time wasn't that interested in knowing them either. But the ants changed everything. We broke little pieces and waited to see our little bug friends start taking them to their nest, but they would not take them. We would move the bread right in front of the ants, but they would not pick them up! A few ants were brave enough to touch those little pieces of bread and carried them away from their home. Get this thing out of here!

Needless to say, that was the last time we bought store brand bread and started making homemade bread more often!

And that should be with anything we eat. If we are what we eat, what have we been? Food coloring, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, benzosomething?

Make a review of what you ate today and then strive to eat real food tomorrow.


April 29, 2013

Clutter free!

Sometimes living a simpler life takes a bit of work. A few weeks ago I read about a mom who decided to put all her children's toys away. She said the children were starting to get greedy, were constantly fighting, and their bedroom was a constant mess. It may seem like a drastic resolution, but one thing she said got me thinking. She said that since doing that, she hasn't had to tell her children to clean their room. No wonder, there are no toys to put away!

Inspired by that, I grabbed a box and went through my child's toys. There are several that are not played with anymore, so those have found a home inside the box. No, I didn't take all the toys away as I didn't feel there was a need for that, but I took quite a few. He liked the look of his room and was motivated to help me sort through more of his things. Some things went into the box, others are to be given away to a younger child, and others went to the trash (noise makers anyone?) The result is a much cleaner and clutter free room. We had stored his board games under the bed, but I realized it was becoming a good gathering place for dust, so we found a new home for the games and under the bed can now be used as a tunnel for train tracks and car races whenever it's needed.

The whole project took us about an hour maybe a little more, but we did it together and had fun. Plus we are totally enjoying the uncluttered room. 

Removing clutter from our environment doesn't have to be a long and tedious project. It can be getting rid of junk mail or unused lotions and creams from the bathroom cabinet. It could be tossing the food that is going bad inside the fridge or clearing the kitchen counter. The result is a more beautiful environment which will reflect on how we feel.

Hooray for clutter free!


April 28, 2013

A to do list.

Some people are very organized. I love looking through organization blogs for ideas on things to do and ways to improve our home, but as much as I like it, I'm not that organized. I probably spend more time looking at the ideas than actually putting them into practice.

I think everyone has a different organization style. Some people are organized in their own disorganization. As long as you can find the car keys, you're ok. 

So my organization style is different from the many I read on the blogs or magazines. My wardrobe is not color coordinated and I don't own a label maker. But to do lists work well for me. Not always do I get everything on the list done, but it gives me a little bit of direction. The problem is finding the balance between what must get done and what would be nice to get done.

This morning as I had some time to myself before everyone woke up, I made a to do list. After the family joined in the new day, a few more items were added, and we all worked to accomplish our goals for the day. 

Now a wise man once said that there's a time for everything, a time to work and a time to rest. Heeding that advice, we included play time on our to do list. Looking at all the items, I wanted to make sure we made time to play. Laundry could wait one more day, so could vacuum, and even trying a new recipe for sandwich bread, so before we were done with our chores, we got our snow gear on and went to play outside. We had so much fun and were there for a long time. Our dog had fun chasing the ball and we all ran and jumped in the deep snow. Temperatures were a little above freezing which is nice. We didn't need to wear our winter jackets.

Before coming back inside, we did some deep breathing exercises to soak in the fresh afternoon air. I felt energized and invigorated. 

After dinner we looked at our to do list and realized we had done everything plus a few more things. Thinking back on the day I believe that the most important item on that list was play time. I could've done everything, but if we hadn't played it would've been all pointless. And I could've not crossed a single item on the list except for play, and that would've been a very successful day. In the end, little arms hugging me and thanking me for a fun day are way more important than a dust free home.

What is the most important item on your to do list today? Make sure to include that very important play time!

Taking in the fresh air


Have you noticed how the world seems to be going faster and faster every time? Often I find my self wondering if life was this complicated for my parents, or grandparents. Long gone are the days of sitting around the fire at the end of the day reading a book, knitting, playing the piano, or simply talking. Those things were a given back then. Now we have to be encouraged to take time to ourselves, to have dinner with our children, to turn the radio off, or to purchase all kinds of things to make our lives easier. 

I've grown to be very aware of how complicated life can be in many aspects, so I've embarked on a journey to simplify my life. I know this is not my doing, but God helping me to see that He has more for me than what I've been getting myself into.

This blog is about this journey...