May 16, 2013

Puzzle Pieces

I was talking with a friend this morning about how frustrating it is to be able to get motivated to live healthier. We make our resolutions, but they just never come to be. Just think about all the  resolutions we make at the beginning of the year. We are already in May. How many of your New Year resolutions have you accomplished or are still working on? Most of us gave up on them the first week of January! So my friend was frustrated because everyday she decides to walk for one hour, but is never able to do it. I asked her if she could do 15 minutes. "That I could do" was her answer. So I encouraged her to get just 15 minutes of walking a few times a week. 15 minutes is better than one hour that never happens!

I was just reading how we need to take small steps if we want to succeed when changing our lifestyle. I believe it's true and  that's exactly what I've been doing. It wasn't what I wanted to do at first, but life has made me slow down and focus on the little puzzle pieces instead of the big final picture like I was doing. This has helped bring down my level of stress and frustration. I have an idea of what the big picture looks like, and I love it, it's beautiful! Can't wait to get there. But to get there I'll have to put together the puzzle, one small piece at a time, and that's going to take some work and patience!

For me, one of my small steps has been the choice to avoid processed foods. It may take a little bit more work, but I prefer to prepare the foods myself. In my pantry shelves, for the most part, there are no ingredients with names I can't pronounce, so those are the ones I prefer to use. 

 Another small step I've taken is to stretch when I wake up.
Usually I just get up and go, but now I'm taking the time to stretch and get my muscles ready for the morning. Two days ago I started doing crunches after stretching. I just lay down on the floor, do 100 crunches, stretch at the end and off I go.

These are small steps I've been taking and you know, I can see things changing already. 2 lbs of me have disappeared and my mind is so much more clearer. Plus, I think I'm smiling more. It has to be because I feel better. All I know is that this motivates me to continue a little farther on this road to a better life.

What small step can you take to improve your life? What about eating breakfast, or organizing better your work space? Could be going outside everyday to breathe deeply the fresh morning or evening air. What about walking for just 15 minutes 2-3 times per week? It could be stretching in the morning or deciding to have dinner together as a family most nights of the week. Just anything that will help you have a more simple and healthier life. The big picture of the puzzle is not only about eating or exercising. It's about all the aspects of your life, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. All those puzzle pieces put together will create a most beautiful picture because it will the picture of abundant life.

My next small step will be sleeping better. And on that note, I'm off to bed. 



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