December 24, 2017

The People In Our Lives

 "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. 
We have only today. Let us begin."
-Mother Theresa

    This December has been difficult. Among other important dates, it marks my parents’ wedding anniversary. They would have celebrated 45 years of marriage.

    Would have…

    This year the celebration was different. I reminisced on their tender love story and remembered longingly the blessing they were in my life. The date now marks a day that was, a day filled with beautiful memories of the two people who gave me life.

    Then there are the Holidays. Like others around the world, these past days have been filled with many preparations. Because I’ve spent the last few years simplifying my life, I must confess that this season has been more enjoyable. I’ve been able to make my own Christmas greeting cards, spend time in the kitchen creating traditional Portuguese delicacies, read and re-read every greeting card received either via snail mail or electronically, wrapped carefully chosen gifts for those I love, and have enjoyed many quiet moments reading the story of Christmas. What a love God has for us, I just can’t comprehend it. But it has been nice to just enjoy this season without the usual stress.

    However, in the midst of all the joy and cheer I also feel sadness. Sadness that for the first time in my life I don’t get to share all of this excitement with my mother. Living countries apart, we would spend hours sharing every little detail of our days with each other, and Holidays were an exciting time. What an unbelievable emptiness her death left in my life, words can’t simply explain.

    My first Christmas as an orphan of mother and father...

    But God, who does not waste our pain, has been helping me see past my grief into deeper truths. And from where I stand I am strongly reminded of what is most important in this one life we’ve been given. So I see an opportunity. An opportunity to once again learn that the most important in this world are the people who were given to be part of our lives. An opportunity to learn and put into practice what I’m learning.

    You see, tomorrow the greetings cards will have been read, the food will have been eaten, and the presents unwrapped. Christmas will have come and gone and our attention directed to the next big thing. Time constantly moving forward causing tomorrow to become yesterday.

    What hopefully won’t have changed, though not guaranteed, are the people with whom we share all of this with. The people whom God placed in our lives to shape us and be influenced by us. In the midst of all the activity of the season, the people are what truly matters.

    Take a moment to think of your circle of influence. Who are the people in it? Your spouse, given to be your life partner and best friend. Show them how much you appreciate them. Your children, given for you to guide and love. Show them how proud you are of the persons they are. Your parents, given to guide and love you. Show how much you love them by giving them your time, attention, and respect. Your family and your friends, incredible blessings from God. What about your enemies? Used by God to teach you grace and forgiveness. Forgive them. Or perhaps you’re the one in need of forgiveness. Ask for it. How beautiful are restored relationships. What about your neighbors and the stranger you see often in the street?

    Remember also yourself, uniquely created by a loving God. Blessed with life, talents, and gifts to be used in the service of God and of others. What a treasure you are.

    How often we ignore others and ourselves.

    We won’t be in each others’ lives forever. That is the reality of life in this world. So let’s make the best of the time we’re given together! What about beginning today, now, by closing your computer and all other electronic devices and go spend precious time connecting with your loved ones? Show how much you love and appreciate them.

    I’m going to do the same.

    Merry Christmas!

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