December 31, 2017

Planning Tomorrow

“A year from now you will wish you had started today.”
-Karen Lamb

    If I had the chance to change the calendar, I would move January to the Spring. As we come out of Winter hibernation, nature and people seem to filled with new life. We have more energy, are a little happier, and plan all kinds of interesting things for the season - gardening anyone? It seems to me then, that Spring would be the perfect time for January and New Year resolutions.
    Yet January happens to be in the Winter. In the coldest and darkest time of the year. And this is the time when we’re expected to come up with New Year resolutions! No wonder so many of us don’t keep up with our decisions past a few weeks.

    However, I still believe this is a good time for general life planning. With the Holidays now pretty much behind, we can focus on the year ahead. And in the quietness of Winter there is a great opportunity for soul searching and reflection. To stop and think.

    Take a few moments to look deep into your life. Is it headed in the direction you want? As human beings with free choice we have, to a great extent, the power to decide where our lives are going to go. Think for example about your financial situation, your health, your relationships, your schedule, and your home environment as these have a big impact on your well being. How satisfied are you with these areas of your life?

    If you are content with the course your life is taking then resolve to make it even better. To grow and learn more. To deepen your relationship with God and become a better you. We all have plenty of room for improvement. At the same time enjoy the fruit of the much you have accomplished. It’s ok to sit back and relax. You should not be constantly on the go.

    If you examine your life and decide that is headed the wrong way,
then it’s time to put on the breaks and make a U-turn! Time to take a different road. You can either start by making small easy changes, or you can take the bull by its horns and make it go the other way.

    Whatever the outcome of the New Year know this: God’s mercies are new every morning. Every morning! Not just once a year when we make New Year resolutions. Not once a month or every two weeks when we get our paychecks. No! His mercies are new every morning. This means that every day we have the opportunity to start fresh. To turn the page and write a new chapter. With God, every day is a great day for a new you!

    My plan for the coming year is to totally dive in into the abundant life God has promised. I don't know the details of this journey, but I’m trusting the Driver. As part of it,
this blog is undergoing some big transformations that I just can't wait to share with you! In it I'll tell you all I've learned and will learn about abundant living and encourage you to join in on the journey.
    We were promised an abundant life. Not a mediocre or poor quality life. Abundant life! All of us. Let’s grab that promise and make it ours today!    

   Abundant life, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing more Vania!!! It was wonderful talking to you! Thanks for sharing! :-)
