August 23, 2017

Life Redecorating

    This afternoon I visited my local library and spent much needed quiet time browsing through some of their magazines and searching for some books I’ve been wanting to read. As I sat down in one of the plush chairs available, I dreamed of the places described in the current edition of the Sunset magazine I was looking through. Pictures of big sequoias, sea glass gathered during a morning walk on the beach, meadows of wild flowers, and beautiful mountain settings flooded my mind with the desire to escape to nature, somewhere. I looked up from the magazine to the outside landscape on the other side of the floor to ceiling windows. From my position, I could see a beautiful green lawn decorated with several trees full of busy little birds, and the majestic mountains in the distance that covered the east. I took in the scenery before me for a few moments when all of a sudden I realized that the library computers had been placed along all the big windows. Why oh why were the computers facing that beautiful view when the users will never look at the landscape on the other side of the screen? I believe there needs to be some redecorating on the library. Move the computers somewhere else, and in front of the windows place instead comfortable chairs to sit down with a good book while looking at the mountains in the distance.
    I thought for a moment about our lives and how cluttered often it is with things that hide the beautiful views around us. When I say views, I’m not just talking about looking at nature, though I believe that’s important, but also of people, relationships, plans, and goals for the future. Sometimes we’re so busy with the things around us now, that we don’t see what is truly important and what will give us the abundant life God desires for us. Just think about the typical family or group of friends going to a restaurant all busy each with their cell phones, when right in front and around them, are amazing people to get connected with, relationships to be nourished, and dreams to be shared.
    We need to regularly take a break from our busyness in order to evaluate our priorities and reset the life button. Someone once told me when talking about working extra hours, that there is no money that can buy our peace. Perhaps the extra hours at the office are not worth it if our family is living family life on their own without us. Perhaps the many hours on the couch watching TV are not worth it if it means our waist lines are growing bigger and we are getting sicker. Maybe it’s not that important to spend mindless minutes on Facebook if that means our children are being ignored and our dreams are being left behind.
    We are given one life and one life only. There may be many incredible experiences we may be missing because the view is covered by our daily busyness, just like the amazing view outside the library windows was covered by the row of computers. I believe it’s time for some redecorating! Life redecorating that is.