June 3, 2015

Taking charge of the tongue

I was reading a book on healthy living and a little sentence caught my attention. It said: “we are slaves to the first inch of our tongue.” I thought about it for a while and just had to agree. For most of us our motto is: “if it tastes good I’ll eat it, but if not…”

Yet what we eat matters, and it matters a lot! A few years ago I had the opportunity to spend a few days at a health center, and the staff shared a study they had done on  the benefits of exercise vs diet on weight loss. They divided participants into two groups. One group focused on exercising a lot, but made no changes on their diet. The other group made changes to their diet, but did not exercise at all. At the end of the study, the people who changed their diet had lost a considerable amount of weight, while the group that only exercised lost about 1 pound!  Now this is not to say that we don’t need to exercise. Exercise is extremely important for heart health, depression, diabetes management, and cancer prevention among others, but what we eat has an incredible impact on our lives.

I would like to encourage you to take control of that first inch in your tongue and begin choosing foods that will improve your health, give you good quality of life, and help you feel better. Choose foods that are as close as possible to the original. I heard someone once say that we should  choose foods that have no labels and don’t come in packages. Sounds like good advice!